You Don’t Scare Me Dad is an illustrated children’s book set against a Halloween theme, wherein the precocious Princess frustrates all of her fathers attempts to scare her. From ghost to devil to wolfman to vampire his costumes have no affect. Their playful banter ultimately reveals a loving relationship. Yet the story ends with an unexpected twist which will surprise children and amuse adults. Beneath the surface it teaches that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, that love casts out fear, and that we need not hide from family behind masks. Above all it is a fun story.
Written & illustrated by: Joseph Ahlman
Page Door Books
You Don't Scare Me Dad--Available NOW!
Hard Cover (full color) 11 x 8.5" for US$49.95
Soft Cover-Perfect Bind (full color) 8 x 6" for US$24.95
Soft Cover-Saddle Stitch (full color) 8 x 6" for US$9.95
All of these editions can be drop shipped directly to your home or sent as a gift to another. The print on demand process also allows the purchaser to include a special dedication and/or short message to the recipient at the bottom of the title page, (only available on hard cover edition.)
For example:
Special Commemoration:
Given as a gift to Jane Doe on Halloween. Love, Dad.
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