My Friend the Butterfly is an illustrated story about a little girl named Suzy, who befriends a butterfly she calls Willow. One day Willow disappears, leaving only an egg on a leaf. Suzy returns day after day to observe the transition from egg to caterpillar, caterpillar to chrysalis, chrysalis to butterfly. When the butterfly opens its wings Suzy immediately notices the resemblance to her old friend. She realizes that Willow was the young butterfly’s mother. They become fast and permanent friends. This simple children’s tale teaches several things on various levels. On the surface it engenders scientific curiosity about insects, change, and reproduction. On a social level, it reveals the beauty of friendship, and mother daughter relationships. On an emotional level it helps children learn to move beyond the pain that comes from separation, like when friends move away, or when loved ones depart this life. Philosophically it encapsulates one’s own growth, becoming, and purpose in the cycle of life.
Written by: Wendy & Suzy Ahlman
Illustrated by: Suzy Ahlman
Books on Trees series
My Friend the Butterfly--Available NOW!
Hard Cover (full color version) 11 x 8.5" for US$49.95
Soft Cover-Perfect Bind (full color) 8 x 6" for US$24.95
Soft Cover-Saddle Stitch (full color) 8 x 6" for US$9.95
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Our Deepest Condolence:
Dear Jane, We love you, and grieve for your loss. May you find peace in the knowledge that your mother endures in the lives she touched, and especially in you.
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