Lost Marbles is a story about a boy named Bill, and a girl named Margo who bump into each other on the street. Their collision causes both of their sacks of marbles to spill out on the ground and they get mixed-up. They are then faced with the challenge (along with the reader) to figure out which marbles belong to whom. After sorting their marbles, the story ends with an additional conundrum.
Beneath the surface, Lost Marbles is an exercise in logic designed for children using classic inductive and deductive reasoning. It employs a matrix of rules and exceptions which build one upon the other. Herein early deductions provide a means for later deductions. Hence, the choices start off simple, and slowly progress to more difficult problems.
Aside from using basic color recognition schemes, this exercise also tests a child’s perceptive acuity by introducing reflective marbles and transparent marbles. It then switches from visual clues to numeric deduction. Finally, it requires thinking outside the box of rules and assumptions to sleuth the owner of the last orb.
The methodical nature of this exercise illuminates the process of logical inference and breeds confidence in a child’s abilities to ferret out sound conclusions. Of course, with little children this exercise works best when a parent or instructor reads to the children, while supplementing and assessing their understanding of the rules.
In my experience, this exercise unleashes the natural curiosity of children, and their exuberant desire to make sense out of the world around them. Indeed, their innate logic may surprise you.
Lost Marbles--Available NOW!

Hard Cover (full color) 11 x 8.5" for US$49.95
Soft Cover-Perfect Bind (full color) 8 x 6" for US$24.95
Soft Cover-Saddle Stitch (full color) 8 x 6" for US$9.95
All of these editions can be drop shipped directly to your home or sent as a gift to another. The print on demand process also allows the purchaser to include a special dedication and/or short message to the recipient at the bottom of the title page, (only available on hard cover edition.)
For example:
Special Commemoration:
Given as a gift to John Doe on his 1st day at school. Love, Mom and Dad.
Shipping cost US$9.95 virtually anywhere in the continental United States.
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